Holocaust and Haggadah: Representations of Anne Frank

Event information
Venue:FIU Biscayne Bay Campus, Wolfe University Center

The JSP's Annual Holocaust Scholar-in-Residence Liora Gubkin, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at California State University, Bakersfield and the author of You Shall Tell Your Children: Holocaust Memory in American Passover Ritual (Rutgers University Press, 2007), will speak on “Holocaust and Haggadah: Representations of Anne Frank” at 7:30 PM in the Wolfe University Center Ballroom on the Biscayne Bay Campus. As we remember the Holocaust in the twenty-first century, Dr. Gubkin suggests that questions about how we remember are as important as what we remember. She brings these questions to representations of Anne Frank in American Passover ritual texts and asks what careful answers can add to our understanding of Frank’s famous idealistic words, “I still believe people are good at heart." Part of the 7th Annual Holocaust Education Week, co-sponsored with the Holocaust Memorial, Greater Miami Jewish Federation.