Conversos in Seville and the Empire, From the Coast of Africa to the Indies.

Event information
Venue:LACC Conference Room DM 353

“Conversos in Seville and the Empire, from the coast of Africa to the Indies.”

LACC Conference Room DM 353 Tuesday 10 February at 12:00-1:15

Lecture and Discussion by Distinguished Scholar Dr. Juan Gil

Dr. Juan Gil (Ph.D. University of Bologna, 1963) is Professor Emeritus of the Universidad de Sevilla and is now active as a life-time member of the Real Academia Española (Madrid). He was trained as a classical scholar, with focus on linguistics, especially Latin and Medieval Spanish. His teaching career spanned three decades. He has published dozens of books, including a five volume opus on the history of the conversos (Christianized Jews) of Seville. Also noteworthy are his two volumes regarding the Mozarabes, and several books on Spain’s early contacts with the Far East. He and Dr. Consuelo Varela have authored many books on Columbus and other explorers of Spain’s Age of Discovery. Most recently he published two monographs on the discoverer of Florida, Juan Ponce de León. Most recently he participated in the preparation of the newest edition of the Diccionario de la Lengua Española.

Program sponsored by the Departments of History and Religious Studies